Saturday 8 May 2010

Pretty Shoes ...

I've spent the last week on a beach in Portugal without my phone, email or Twitter, and had some breathing space to think and to recharge my batteries. Here's my latest update:

When I was a wee girl, five or six years old, we always went to the same shop for our school shoes. We didn’t have a lot of money so whilst I always wanted the patent shoes, with the frills on the front, we always got a “sensible pair” that were scuff resistant, comfortable and likely to endure all the running, skipping, falling and climbing that make up childhood adventures.

Going to the shoe shop was a cause of excitement for my big sister and I because they had a very ‘high tech’ machine that measured your feet. It looked a bit like a shiny silver treadmill you stood on and held on to the bar. Then you lowered your foot into a rectangle that made a “zhoosh” noise and slowly the metal sides moved in to take the measurement. There was a sense of fear that it would crush your foot (for those with an active imagination) and excitement because at that age I really thought, once it gave the size, I’d be getting the patent shoes.

Every year I left the shop with a sensible pair and a petted lip. My sister would get the same style but couldn’t care less about the shoes, she loved the machine and I loved the frills. Now I’m all grown up I still love the fancy shoes but I understand the importance of the right fit, and know what suits one person doesn’t suit an other.

Why am I telling this story in a blog about job hunting? Well, when I closed my business I was fortunate to be offered a great job opportunity. I've always been really interested in communication and with my business background it seemed that this role was perfect for me. I love social media, it's the communication part that fascinates me. I like the connection and am interested in the language, trends, topics and experience it provides for both business and personal use. For me it's about the content, the idea generation, networking and building relationships off line,you still can't beat a real life conversation.

However in reality the “foot measuring machine” would have told me this job wasn’t the best fit for me and to try another shoe. So, I took a bold step and resigned, worked my notice and finished up last week. Some people think I'm nuts to give up a good job in a recession but it's always easy to comment from the sidelines, and life would be so dull if we were all the same. Me? I'm looking forward to whatever is around the corner.

Life is too short to wear the wrong shoes.


  1. Anonymous8/5/10

    Hey Annie (or is it Cinderella ;)), you know how much I admire your spirit and courage. What a wonderful metaphor to use too, how many people wear the wrong shoes and have such ugly feet because of them .. we sure don't want that for our lives as well do we.

    If I can help in anyway, let me know, and best of luck, the right pair are just waiting for you to choose them.

    Jackie x

  2. Anonymous8/5/10

    Life IS too short to wear the wrong shoes!
    I also resigned from a job that seemed great but was making me miserable. People also told me it wasn't the smartest move in a recession, but I think making myself and everyone around me unhappy wasn't really a smart move either. I've now set up on my own and I am so much happier.
    So I salute your courage! I think you should go out and reward yourself with a gorgeous pair of patent shoes! With frills!
    Kim x

  3. Obviously being a bloke, I do n't get the shoe thing at all, now if it was about fitba' boots I might have understood the metaphor ;-)

    Well done Annie in having the courage of your convictions. I am sure you will know when the right fit comes along because it won't feel like work.


    John x

  4. LindaMundell10/5/10

    I loved this metaphor!

    A good friend told me her Mum's motto about shoes was 'always wear the best fit for your feet. If your shoes don't fit it will show on your face'.

    I'll bet those 'shoes' pinched slightly, and I'll bet it showed on your face - you weren't smiling, were you? Bet you are smiling now . . . well done on making such a brave decision!

  5. Well put my dear.


  6. Anonymous11/5/10

    Great blog.

    Love the metaphor.

    So many people do jobs they hate, and when you spend so much of your waking life at work, why?!

    Here's to the future and some frilly shoes that fit perfectly :)


  7. Annie, you can always become a story-teller! You'd be one of the best.

    You'll find the right shoes soon, I'm sure of that.

    EvenFlowDave x

  8. Anonymous13/5/10

    Second career as a copywriter? Ace post and a good reminder.

    My mum would never let me have any frilly shoes either. Dammit!

